The uniqueness of each piece of furniture reveals itself only through its shape and effectiveness with the surroundings in which it will find its place after the refurbishment.
For me it goes without saying: I use classical materials like Afrik (palm fibre) and genuine horse hair for my work. Before the upholstery is applied the frames are thoroughly inspected for damage and any problems fixed … this is important to insure the stability of the furniture and the beauty of the finished surface.
If you value solid work, traditional craftsmanship, and working with someone with both passion and expertise give me an opportunity to show you what I can do.
It is important for me to convince you of my work.
Restored cherry stool frame
KlickCoiled springs tied onto belts
KlickBottom view
KlickTied down springs (lacing)
KlickApplied burlap over tied down springs
KlickTop view, nailed on and fastened burlap
KlickApplied Afrik (palm fibre)
KlickApplied and sewn through burlap (Faconburlap)
KlickGarnished Facon with diagonal and forward stiches
KlickHorsehair application
KlickWadding applied over horsehair
KlickCovering applied with a diagonal weaved cotton fabric
KlickLast but not Least
If you are interested in my work please contact me for an informal discussion … I would be please to discuss your project with you.
You can reach me at the following telephone number: +49 178-1741532
It would be a pleasure to hear from you.
David Aulenback